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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lighter Already

While I'm pretty much wrapping up this blog, it only seems appropriate that this post goes here. And that is... I am no longer associated with Weight Watchers. Yes, I quit this afternoon, after a LOT of thinking about it. I mean, it does seem crazy to quit a job doesn't it. But working for WW, at least for me, carries a lot of psychological baggage in that leaders are lifetime members, and have all the associated food issues that many of the current members have. I certainly did. I'm hoping that I can step away from the always thinking about food, and points, and weigh ins and simply enjoy eating, without said baggage.

I will probably keep up my monthly weigh in, but will really try hard not to let it rule my life. And so, goodbye Weight Watchers.


christinedown28 said...

How can i leave a comment on your new blog?

佳怡 said...
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