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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Weight Loss Tuesday

Yep, Weight Loss Wednesday is appearing a day early (or six days late) because tomorrow I'm participating in a blog-in regarding the CPSIA. You'll be able to read all the details about it then so I'll move on to our weight loss topic for this week.

Ok, ok, I missed last week! The 2 Weight Watchers meetings I lead on Wednesday are part of WW's corporate solutions, meaning companies contract ww to send a leader to their office for a set number of weeks. Well, when it's the first week, it's pretty chaotic with a ton of paperwork.

So, last week we were talking about what are you really hungry for. You know, like when you head to the kitchen for something (anything), but you're not really hungry. The trick is to take a minute to consciously recognize those times, and assess whether you ARE hungry. I've been doing this a long time, and it's still hard for me. I'm sure this topic will come up again.

I have a new Etsy friend, Almay, of AlmayAldayDesigns. She found me through the blog and is currently attending Weight Watchers and having great success. She makes adorable cards... is this what you're hungry for?!!

Maybe not, but the card is really cute!

This week's topic is about setting winning outcomes. It is so important to set small goals when it comes to weight loss. Start with the first 5 pounds, making sure you drink plenty of liquids, counting your points, beginning to be more active. Well, you might not want to do all of that at once, but take the whole process in baby steps. Before you know it you'll be saying,

and noticing that you're looking slimmer!

Remember the Chinese proverb... A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.


Kara said...

Holy cow, but I love those cards.

Almay Alday said...

Thank you!!